(The software on this page runs under AmigaOS)
(This site was hosted on a real Amiga 1200/Terrible Fire 1260/PCMCIA Ethernet)
(This site is Amiga browsers compatible)
Contact: ziosante@libero.it
Last update: 29 December 2023
- ftp.computerdevices.it a ftp site that was hosted on a real Amiga 1200, anonymous access, you can download and upload stuff, try it!
- Computer Devices (back to new site)
- My Amiga photos
- Misc sources
I'm posting here a collection of asm sources of Amiga
executables disassembled and optimized a little, they can be
reassembled with PhxAss:
- AmiDock.asm AmiDock version 45.14
- AmyWarp_crack.asm
- DMS.asm DMS version 2.31
- ibmcon.device.asm ibmcon.device version 1.4
- WBCtrl.asm WBCtrl version 1.7
- WBClock.asm WBClock version 45.10
- DCTelnet.asm DCTelnet version 1.5
- AmiDock optimized (29/12/2023) optimized version of AmiDock 45.14 from OS 3.9, disassembled, removed unused code, some small 020+ optimizations, reduced size from 124KB to 86KB (executable is not crunched or powerpacked)
- GetExtIP 1.3 (20/08/2021) Get your external internet IP GetExtIP readme
- Amiga BBS - September 2023 (still alive!) (01/09/2023)
- ZXTapeR 0.2 (27/12/2006) load ZX Spectrum tapes on your Amiga. ZXTapeR readme
- SystemPatch 3.3 beta
Visit the official blog. - SystemPatch 3.0 (16/02/2008) speed up your Amiga OS. SystemPatch readme
- SystemPatch 2.99 (30/12/2006) speed up your Amiga OS. SystemPatch readme
- SystemPatch 2.98
- SystemPatch 2.97
- SystemPatch 2.96
- SystemPatch 2.95a
- ahi.device 68060 (10/04/2005) ahi.device release 6.0rc3 recompiled for 68060.
- ReqToolsLib (21/03/2003) reqtools.library AROS back port version 39.3 revision 2 recompiled for 68060 cpus.
- 68060 libmad mpega.library (27/06/2004) 68060 version of the libmad mpega.library 7th release.
- libgcc.a for 68060, link library to use with gcc version 2.95.3; libgcc.a.txt
- Riva patch patch for forcing Riva using Stephane Tavenard mpega.library.
- MuProtectERH 1.0a protected memory for BlizKick's external modules.
- WaitBoot 1.0 a BlizKick module, it makes a pause before booting so slow IDE devices can reset before the system starts up.
- InsExec 0.3 now you can insert the EXEC V44.1 by Harry Sintonen in a V39 ROM too.
- SmartInfoPatch a patch to correct a SmartInfo bug that causes a MuForce hit.
- Mpeg3Anim 1.0 it is a program that can help you to convert anims from MPEG to IFF-Anim format. This program requires some softwares present on Aminet to work. These details are explained in the documentation included in the archive.
- CalcBoost 1.1 it is a tool for calculating how much you can amplify the volume of your 16 bit AIFF samples. Quite good on samples obtained from MP3 conversions through MPEGA. Now it uses asyncio.library for best speed in file reading.
- VMMAllocMemPatch if you use virtual memory this small patch can be useful for you.
- CheckMouse this is for checking if left mouse button is pressed; useful in scripts.
- VMM-Handler version 22.30 with 1K page size.